Eyes and ears

Institute members on what music they are currently listening to and what books are worth reading

What I’m listening to

“I still love listening to The Carpenters. Whenever I have the Monday blues, The Carpenters’ Rainy Days and Mondays starts playing in my head. Songs like this one truly last forever,” says Chiu.

– Susanna Chiu, Director, Li & Fung Development (China) Ltd

What I’m reading

When “Big Data” becomes a buzz word and every corporate is trying to implement their “next gen” data strategy, Nate Silver’s The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail – but Some Don’t revisits basic probability and statistics, and how the correct application of simple model by people with domain knowledge can help make better real life predictions, and appreciate that predictions is usually probabilistic instead of deterministic.

– Ronald Tsang, Senior Director at an American Express joint venture

I recommend Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic. Vujicic was born without arms and legs yet was able to live an independent life and even become an influential life coach. Due to the pandemic, it may feel like we have lost our senses and mobility, and maybe even more importantly, our purpose. In this book, Vujicic shares his journey; how he learned to accept what he could not control in life and focus on what he could, which led him to eventually emerge as a person of confidence and strength.

– Kingston Ho, Non-Executive Director at Connect Academy Trust

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness by Stephen Covey talks a lot about leadership. Beyond helping others to finish tasks, good leadership can help others find their voice and discover their fully potential. It is a process of identifying talent through quality communication and stimulating their interest at work. This book helped me to realize other people’s potential and taught me that open-mindedness is a key qualities for a team leader to have.

– Ron Pau, Senior Manager, Advisory, Grant Thornton

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