In December 2018 the International Accounting Standards Board confirmed its view that it expects companies to be entitled to sufficient time to implement changes in accounting policy that result from an agenda decision published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee.
Since then, I have received questions about why we have done this and what exactly we mean by “sufficient” time. For example, does this mean that entities don’t have to do anything about agenda decisions for a number of years?
Why have we commented?
The committee publishes agenda decisions when, following consultation, it has decided that standard-setting is not required to deal with a question from stakeholders. This usually means that the committee has concluded that existing requirements in IFRS Standards are adequate to answer the question. When that’s the case, the agenda decision explains how IFRS Standards apply.
Because explanatory material set out in an agenda decision reflects existing requirements, two questions are often raised.
But how long is “sufficient”?
The short answer is that it depends on the particular facts and circumstances, including the particular accounting policy change and the reporting entity. Preparers, auditors and regulators will need to apply judgement to determine what is sufficient. But as a rule of thumb I think it is fair to say that we had in mind a matter of months rather than years.
The board’s comments on timing relate to the time needed to implement accounting policy changes that result from an agenda decision. Once finalized they become a relevant piece of information in applying IFRS Standards. Explanatory material set out in agenda decisions, in essence, affirms the application of existing requirements. Therefore, companies need to consider agenda decisions and implement any necessary accounting policy changes on a timely basis – in other words, as soon and as quickly as possible.
Sometimes, assessing an agenda decision and implementing any accounting policy change may be straightforward and quick. In other circumstances, companies may need to undertake a number of steps, such as collecting additional information to apply the new policy or to provide disclosures, or to change processes or systems. If necessary, companies should be in a position to explain their implementation process and, if material, should consider if disclosures related to the accounting policy change are required.
Given that agenda decisions typically consider specific transactions or narrow fact patterns, reflect existing requirements and the committee has determined that standard-setting is not required, the board does not anticipate that companies would require extensive periods of time.
Some have asked whether sufficient time includes the time needed to undertake related steps, such as changing affected covenants in documents. Or whether companies should be allowed to wait to see whether any of the board’s projects could remove the need to make an accounting policy change (to avoid two changes in accounting in a short period of time). To my mind, such considerations go beyond what the board intended.
Judgement and cooperation
In closing, I reiterate that consistent with the application of IFRS Standards more generally, the application of judgement is required. The board has sought to provide a mechanism that is reasonable to enable accounting policy changes to be effected on a timely basis and in an orderly manner. For this to work well, everyone involved in financial reporting needs to work together to ensure that an appropriate outcome is achieved and that collectively we work towards the goal of high-quality, consistent application of IFRS Standards.
Our comments on timeliness do not change the fact that companies need to be diligent in considering agenda decisions and implementing any resulting accounting policy changes. We expect a good faith effort to consider and address any effects of agenda decisions on a timely basis. Further information about the work of the committee and its agenda decisions can be found on its website.