Accounting education

Showing 41-50 of 153 results for Accounting education

Serving society

November 2021 issue
Masahiko Tezuka, Chairman and President of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, on nurturing accountants to meet society’s needs
October 2021 issue
Experts chime in on the latest developments of business and accounting
October 2021 issue
Roman Lo CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Greater China Region, at Rémy Cointreau, on how his CPA skills help in the spirits industry
October 2021 issue
What skill sets are required for future accountants? Panellists in the afternoon session discuss
October 2021 issue
Key takeaways for accountants in business from the morning session of this year’s CPA Conference
Work and life

The brightest stars

September 2021 issue
Top-scoring new QP students on the practical nature of the programme, and how it has prepared them for a fruitful career in the profession
September 2021 issue
A look at the IASB’s proposal for reduced disclosure requirements 
August 2021 issue
Work and life

Teaching from experience

July 2021 issue
Facilitators of the Institute’s Qualification Programme on the joy that comes with nurturing the next generation of CPAs
July 2021 issue
NiQ Lai FCPA, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Broadband Network Group, on how success comes from being a self-starter and looking at the bigger picture
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