Mainland business

Showing 1-10 of 317 results for Mainland business
July 2024 Issue
The Mainland’s expanding trade ties with the Middle East is creating opportunities for Hong Kong’s financial experts
July 2024 Issue
Christopher Hui, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of Hong Kong on his view on virtual assets, and how accountants are the musicians of the business world
July 2024 Issue
From a due diligence analyst to an investor relations professional, members Share how their expertise serve specific functions in investment
Q&A with a PAIB

James Cheung

July 2024 Issue
James Cheung, General Manager – Corporate Finance at Century City Group
January 2024 Issue
Key highlights based on the awardees of the Institute’s business awards which celebrate achievements in corporate governance and ESG
January 2024 Issue
The President of the Institute on tackling the talent shortage issue, and the significance of the Institute’s role as a statutory sustainability standard setter
January 2024 Issue
The status of ESG assurance in Hong Kong, and the benefits for companies of engaging a third-party to assure their ESG reports
October 2023 Issue
Tim Lui, Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission, on adapting to emerging market trends, and why he’s a proud Institute member
October 2023 Issue
October 2023 Issue
A look at the growing B Corp movement in Hong Kong, and how companies became certified
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