
Showing 181-190 of 215 results
Technical news

TechWatch 195

January 2019 issue
December 2018 issue
An overview of the changes to lessee accounting when HKFRS 16 Leases becomes effective
December 2018 issue
New bill allows taxpayers to align the tax treatment of financial instruments with their fair value accounting treatment under HKFRS 9
December 2018 issue
How auditors can evaluate and assess convertible bonds to ensure compliance with the relevant financial reporting standards
Technical news

TechWatch 194

December 2018 issue
Source article

Prepare for change

November 2018 issue
Observations on how China is reacting to the Sino-U.S. trade dispute
November 2018 issue
An overview of the revised profit split method
Technical news

TechWatch 193

November 2018 issue
October 2018 issue
An overview of Hong Kong’s research and development deduction regime
October 2018 issue
The implications following the withdrawal of HK-Int 4 ahead of the arrival of IFRS 16
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